Playgroup for under 5s and their carers
The sessions run each Monday during term times between 10 and 11:30am. To cover the cost of hiring the hall we charge £3 per family, payable on the door.
For more information, please contact Jane Gibbs on 020 8989 6092.
Tots will begin the next term on Monday 13th January 2025. We hope to see you there.
Easter Services
Good Friday 2nd April in person and online at 11:15 in Wanstead House
Easter Sunday 4th April in person and online at 11:15 in Wanstead House
Joint online event at 7:30pm on Easter Sunday 4th April
On Easter Sunday we will be part of a group of churches producing a live event that will explain why Easter is so significant to us as Christians. Please join us at 7:30pm to hear more – it could be the most important thing you ever do!
Special Event: “Why Believe That There’s a God?”
Special Event: “Making a Success of Life”
Christmas Services at Grace Church Wanstead
People often wonder if there is a God and if we could ever get to know him. The great news of Christmas is that God has really visited us through Jesus Christ so that we can know him.
Come and find out more at one of our Christmas services:
Family Carol Service, 16th December 11:15am
Children and Tots’ Carol Service, Christmas Eve 4:30pm
Christmas Day 11:15am
For those already following Jesus we have a variety of meetings, small groups and Bible studies to support you and encourage you to get to know Jesus better. Please see our “What’s On” page for more details.