Who is to blame for Hurrricane Irma?

I keep seeing Facebook posts with pictures of ‘Christians’ who claim that the disasters caused by the weather are being caused by ‘The Gays.’

I would like to set the record straight.

It is caused by homosexuals and heterosexuals, abortionists and pro-lifers, paedophiles and the young, the old, the middle-aged, transsexuals, men, women, Donald Trump, Mexicans, bank robbers, Bankers, the unemployed, the employed, mothers who breastfeed, mothers who don’t…

non-Christians and Christians,

you and me.

It was my fault.

I’m sorry.

Romans 3: 23-24  … for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

When humans decided that they could make a better job of running the world than the God who created it, He gave us what we wanted; He gave us the opportunity to go it alone.

Even though we ruined His perfect creation, He gave us a way back, and the promise that one-day it would be all made new and perfect again.

The only difference between a non-Christian and a Christian is the fact that Christians have said sorry – we are the ones who recognise that we are the problem.

If you call yourself a Christian and you are pointing your finger at other people, I ask you to go back to the Bible and look for the part where it says, ‘There is no one righteous, not even one; (except you – insert your name here).’

If you find it, please let me know.

If you don’t consider yourself a Christian why don’t you come along to Starbucks Wanstead, on 9 November at 8pm? There will be a short talk called, Is there enough evidence for Atheism?, with the opportunity to ask questions afterwards. Best case scenario you leave with the free gift of eternal life, worst case scenario, you get to shelter from the terrible weather whilst enjoying a free cup of coffee and a slice of cake.

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Even atheists worship a god.

The news this week has been horrible; the massacre in Orlando and the murder of Jo Cox.

Nothing I can write will express the empty feeling in my stomach when I think about the waste of lives and the loss of loved ones.

I am also deeply saddened by the backlash against God.

Somehow – because the murderer in Orlando was Muslim and apparently did it in the name of Allah – this means that it’s God’s fault; he sanctioned it, he is powerless, he wasn’t there to stop it, he chose not to, or he simply doesn’t exist.

I keep seeing a cartoon on Facebook with 2 people talking.The first is asking ‘Why didn’t God stop the shooting?’ The other person replies, ‘Because God doesn’t exist, engage with reality and fix your ********* gun laws’

Can we please remind ourselves that all murder, theft, rape, war, hate, bullying, abuse, greed, envy, immorality etc. is due to the worship of one god or another.

Some people just choose to worship the god of ‘self’.

I think you’ll find more crime committed in the name of that ‘god’ than any other.

We are in this situation because we are selfish; we live to glorify ourselves and not the God that created us.

The reason for the mess is described in the Bible, in the book of Genesis. Human beings had everything they needed but we wanted more. We wanted ALL the power. God, in his goodness handed the ‘power’ over to us.

He said – ‘Go on then; run this creation your own way, it’s not going to be easy. When you’ve had enough, I’ll be right here with my arms open to welcome you home.’

John 3:16  For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (NIV)

If somebody said they had committed a terrible act in my name, I would ask that you check with me that I actually told them to do it, before you blame me. If you’d like to know what God has actually said, please read it for yourself in the Bible.

Come along to Grace Church, we can point you in the right direction.